
Pour travailler les langues, les cours de classe préparatoire et le travail donné par tes professeurs ne sont malheureusement pas suffisants. Cela dit, ne désespère pas ! Te familiariser avec l’anglais et enrichir ton vocabulaire, tout ceci peut être fait en passant un bon moment ! Je t’ai donc listé ici des supports pour passer du bon temps, tout en développant tes connaissances de l’anglais et de la culture anglo-saxonne.

Avec les vacances qui commencent, cet article est fait pour toi ! Ces chaînes et podcasts peuvent aussi t’être très utiles au moment de la révision des oraux. Et bien sûr, parce que lire en anglais est aussi un bon entraînement, l’article est en anglais.

My favorite resources to study while having fun!

Chaînes YouTube en anglais


I am pretty sure this is my favorite YouTube channel to listen to in English. On this channel, you will be able to find geopolitics videos, climate change informative videos, exciting minor news items, American domestic policy reports… This channel is absolutely perfect to learn new vocabulary on specific content!

The New York Times channel

On this channel directly related to the newspaper, you will find captivating investigations or reports about the American society. For instance, you can find a visual investigation of the Jan 6. attack.

Johnny Harris

The owner of this channel is a journalist. He produces very interesting videos of high quality. All the more if you are following the geopolitical option, this channel is made for you!

Podcasts en anglais

I prefer watching videos. However, listening to podcasts is less limiting. It is a perfect way to develop your culture and knowledge while doing the things you have to do – like go to school or brush your teeth! Let me tell you: podcats are going to be your best friend starting from now on!

Major-Prépa : le podcast

Recently, a podcast on how to write an essay or on the concept of “Civil Religion” in the United States.

The Economist Podcasts

The famous British newspaper makes in that podcast a daily overview of the news, whether it be in the UK or worldwide. They will allow you to keep in touch with the current events while deepening your knowledge of English. The podcasts last for about 25 minutes each, which is a perfect timing to listen to them in the morning while getting ready or going to school!

Consider this from NPR

After the British point of view, here’s the American one with a slightly different format this time. The podcasts last around 10minutes and deal with a specific theme. It will give you perfect topical examples on various subjects for your essays or your kholles.


Vocable anglais

This newspaper made for English learners publishes articles from famous English or American newspapers. The selection is well-made, you will find explanations of vocabulary or topics. Even though it isn’t free you can still have access to the website or you can look in your school’s library, it is often available there!

Nous espérons que cet article te permettra de suivre l’actualité de manière plus ludique ! Pour utiliser tes nouvelles connaissances à bon escient et briller en colle, rendez-vous ici. Et pour comprendre comment le jury t’évalue, c’est par !